Saturday, 5 February 2011

January - what a busy start to the year...

Well we've started 2011 as we finished 2010...very busy!

January saw the completion of the University Centre Blackburn College generic video... well as Blackburn College 6th Form video.

I've also had a couple of days filming at Arla Foods in Settle ready for a video that I'm producing for them and then I teamed up with Graham Baldwin to put together a quote for a charity video for the Federation of Jewish Services in Manchester.

January also saw some more bookings for weddings in 2011 - so all in all it's been a great start to the year.

We've also moved across to an electronic diary having invested in an Apple Mac Pro and an iPad at the end of 2010. Must say I'm loving both...and have found it such a bonus being able to sync up all the calendars for the Mac, iPad and PC via Mobile Me...even to confirming appointments with clients when I add it straight into the iPad calendar. If I wasn't a gadget freak before I certainly am now...and yes Steve (Ashton Photography) I agree Macs are the best!

Julie has also been busy setting up a new Facebook page for our weddings (ABC Video Weddings) which is now separate from our corporate Facebook (ABC Video Facilities Ltd) page. Gradually over the coming months we will start to fill it up with snippets from the various weddings that we produced last year and also look forward to some of the ones in the diary for 2011. The corporate page we'll keep up to date with all the other work we do. So if you want to keep up to date with what we're up to then use the links in the side bar and follow us!

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