Saturday, 26 March 2011


I have to say this has been one of the longest running jobs that we have undertaken - with quite a few edits to shave off precious seconds here and there. But it's finally there and will hopefully have the desired effect to tug at the heartstrings and get the donations rolling in for the Federation of Jewish Services at their charity dinner next week. A big thanks to Graham at Vision 4 Video for all his hard work on the project as well. I guess I get the best of both worlds in this job - I get to work for myself but also to collaborate and work alongside others on the bigger projects.

Anyway enough of my wittering, here's the final film for the charity dinner night - enjoy!

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Federation of Jewish Services Charity Video...epic

Get the tissues at the ready, particularly when you watch Laz's story...and when you do I bet you won't believe he is 95 years old. I only hope if I ever reach such a grand old age that I look as good as him...what an amazing person.

The video is to be shown at a charity fundraising dinner next week (or at least a slightly shorter version will be) but personally I prefer this one as the stories are able to breath in it...but I guess that's personal choice. See what you think.

Friday, 4 March 2011

Another area of interest....

Just thought I'd share the details of an upcoming conference at Edge Hill University with you on a subject that means a lot to us...

This year the key note speaker is Tony Attwood author of many books on Asperger's. Also presenting is Alex Porter who has been a source of such encouragement for us as a family as we have watched how he has negotiated successfully through high school, college and university. It certainly has given us a lot of inspiration for our own son who will be starting high school this year and was diagnosed with Asperger's when he was just 4 1/2...

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Another web video for Blackburn College

This time it's the turn of the Blackburn College 6th Form Sports courses...been kept very busy by the college this last year or so and still got a few more web videos to complete!